Online Series‘From Twilight to Light: The Sunlit Path’: Talk8

Date : 09-Aug-2020

Location : Online Sessions

For the complete video recording of the session, click here.

From Twilight to Light: The Sunlit Path, Talk8: ‘Remaining Motivated – Role of Will Power & Perseverance’

AuroYouth has been conducting a series of talks to help youth discuss and discover issues prevalent in recent times. The first series titled “From Twilight to Light – The Sunlit Path” aims to help youth navigate through issues related to mental & emotional health. In the eighth talk of the series, we had Manoj Sharma, an eminent writer, motivator and a resource person in Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, interacting with about 70 youngsters on the topic “Remaining Motivated – Role of Will Power & Perseverance” on August 9, 2020.

Manoj Sharma started the session by emphasizing on the importance of knowing oneself. We need to know about our inner, invisible self as much as we need to know about our outer, visible self. This awareness about oneself has the biggest role to play in remaining motivated.


Motivation should be considered as a morale-booster activity about which we should always remain conscious of. We should keep our goals in mind and continue to strive towards achieving them. If we are motivated enough, our life becomes full of enthusiasm and involvement.

The Role of Discipline

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. We seldom remain motivated for longer periods of time; therefore, discipline is the path to reach our targets.

Always Try to be ‘Regular’

Sri Aurobindo has said ‘To be able to be regular is a great force, one becomes master of one’s time and one’s movement.’ If we are regular in what we do with appropriate time management, we can control our movements, thus laying the path towards our goals.


Perseverance is the decision that we make to go to the very end. If we are on the right path, the phrase ‘I won’t do it’ will change to ‘Yes, I did it!’. We should follow the following 4 steps to persevere:

  1. Resolution: Our resolutions should be positive, progressive and must be aligned with our aim of life.
  2. Will Power: We should have a steady will to overcome all the challenges that might come our way.
  3. Endurance: Endurance is the capacity to go through all, without fatigue or depression.
  4. Patience: Patience is the capacity to wait steadily for the victory to come.

At the end, Manoj-ji emphasized that through aspiration, efforts and prayer, no goal is difficult for us to achieve. We should continually strive to work towards our targets with abundant will.  This wonderful discussion opened room for deep questions that the participants had, and Manoj-ji answered each question beautifully.

Next in the series, AuroYouth is coming up with a session on ‘Indian Culture for Millennials’ by Shivakumar, this Sunday, August 16, 2020; Stay tuned!!

Click for details of The Sunlit Path Talk 7Talk 6Talk 5Talk 4Talk 3Talk 2 and Talk 1.