"The future belongs to the young."
- Sri Aurobindo

Past Events
- One-Day AuroYouth Camp for Chhattisgarh
- One-Day AuroYouth Camp by Ranchi Branch
- All India Youth Camp 2024 – “A New Dawn”
- All India Youth Camp 2023—Invitation
- All India Youth Camp—‘Inner Flights’ (Jan, 2020)
- One-Day AuroYouth Camps Conducted in Mumbai and Varanasi Branches
- One-Day AuroYouth Camp Conducted in Mumbai
- One-day AuroYouth Camp in Konnagar, West Bengal
- All India Youth Camp—‘Undiscovered Shores’ (Jan, 2019)
- All India Youth Camp—Hero Warriors (Jan, 2018)
Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn
An animation film about Sri Aurobindo’s role in India’s freedom movement and its renaissance is being made, to inspire the youth and students of our country.

AuroYouth started a series of mini-compilations on topics of self-development for the youth.

AuroYouth Talks
During the Covid-19 pandemic, lot of us were going through stress and depression. Therefore, a need was felt to address these issues in the light of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. Hence, we started an online interaction series named ‘Twilight to Light: The Sunlit Path’.

"The silence we experienced at Matrimandir, I want to take with me."
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant"If I have to express myself in one word for this camp, that word is “sharanam” (surrender)."
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant"LOVED the camp. LOVED everybody. We hope to take back everything at home and make every day of our life just as beautiful and conscious as our days at the camp were."
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant“To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.”
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant"Self-love, confidence, expression of every feeling, how to love someone unconditionally and still grow in a beautiful way without any expectations, every person is different, each one has their own choices and we should be okay with it… whoa… I learnt so much…."
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant"This experience will never be taken away from me. Because now I know through it that everything around me is also in me. Everything will remind me of this place. I am so fortunate to be part of this camp."
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant"The sessions were curated very well, the sequence of sessions was also well thought. The efforts which the entire team took to organise each and everything was commendable. Every facilitator and even other team members tried to build a rapport with each participant and were accessible for any help or query. All in all, I had a once in a lifetime experience at the camp."
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant"This is the longest I have bicycled for in a single day. The experience here cannot be compared with any other experience. The peace around Matrimandir, the organic nature of the solitary farm and the beauty and treasures in Pitchandikulam forest are beyond comparison. It was one of the best days of the camp."
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant"I have never experienced the sunrise like this. Today, we were waiting for the sun and the happiness of seeing the first ray of Sun, so satisfying and just amazing."
All India Youth Camp 2020 participant"Now I will do what I can, use what I have, start where I am."