Date : Jul 24—Jul 30, 2022
Location: Yalavatti and Manvi
As a result of the AuroYouth Regional Workshop held in Bangaluru from 24 to 26 June 2022, the participants from various centres of Sri Aurobindo Society have started conducting youth camps at various places in Karnataka.
The first one was conducted by the Yalavatti Branch of Sri Aurobindo Society.
One-Day Youth camp at Yalavatti Branch – 24 July 2022
Here are the details of the programme
- Prayer: By School Students
- Yogasana: R.H.Hallikeri & Muttanna Navalagund
- Roap Mallakamba Exhibition: By School Students
- Welcome & Introduction: Sri. M.C.Napurimath
- Inaguration: Dr. S.C.Chavadi
- Thanks Giving: R.H.Hallikeri
- Aim of Life: Sri. S.L.Ningoji
- Values for success: Sri S.R.Kulkarni & Muttanna Navalagund
- Guided Meditation: Muttanna Navalagund
- Introduction about Sri Aurobindo and The Mother: Pratibha joshi
- Introduction about SAS: Sri. R.L.Joshi
- Feed Back & Comments: Muttanna Navalagund
- Certificate Distribution: By All Society Committee Members
- Participants: P.U.College students Magadi
Click to read the full report of Yalavatti Centre
The youth camp was conducted by Sri Praveen Patil, Sri Prabhayya Swami, Kum. Nagajyothi on 30th July 2022 at Kataraki Mahalingappa Degree College Manvi dist. Raichur, Karnataka.
As part of the celebration of 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, by Sri Aurobindo Society, Manvi centre organised an Auro Youth one day workshop at Kataraki Mahalingappa Degree College Manvi, on 30th July 2022. This workshop was conducted by Sri Prabhayya Swami, Sri Praveen Patil, Kum. Nagajyothi. 30 youths attended the workshop along with their lecturers and principal.
On 30th July 2022 the workshop started around 10am. Anchoring was done by Smt. Dipti, Sri Venkatesh welcomed the guests and prayer song was sung by Kum. Bhargavi Desai and Nagajyothi. After lighting the lamp Sri Prabhayya Swami introduced the Auro Youth Program and SAS. He spoke in detail about life and works of Sri Aurobindo.
Sri Praveen Patil gave insight on inner awareness and personality development. He helped the participants in recognizing their different beings and how to awaken the psychic being. Participants shown lot of interest to know about their fivefold personality. Also they were actively participated in discussion about recognizing our beings, shifting the consciousness and role of psyching being.
Facilitators collected feedback and participants received participation certificates. The principal of the college expressed his gladness and gratitude about the workshop. Finally the workshop was ended by the vote of thanks.
Click to read the full report of Manvi Centre