On 23rd July Sri Aurobindo Society Bhadrapur Branch Organised One day youth camp at Bhadrapur Maharaja Nandakumar 2 No. Prathamik Vidyalaya Hall. Inspite of the atrocities of the climate and flood the participants took part with great enthusiasm. Bhadrapur, a remote village in Birbhum District of West Bengal witnessed the enthralling camp.
The Session commenced at 10:00 AM with Introduction and welcome session conducted by the secretary, Sri Aurobindo Society, Bhadrapur Branch Sri Satya Narayan Banerjee. This was followed by a session on Breathing Exercise along with meditation conducted by Sri Sourav Chattoraj; 67 Participants from Bhadrapur and surrounding villages took part in the camp. The life of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother was portrayed by Smt. Jayantika Basu. After a brief break Sri Ashok Basak came up with his talk on “Aim of Life” which inspired the participants to organize their lives in a more beautiful way perpetually. Sri Sourav Chattoraj shared his thoughts on Inner Awareness and various Parts of Being as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo. The talk was detailed with many examples and stories which enabled better understanding of the topic and building of interest. Sri Swapan Dey, a member of SAS Bhadrapur, who represented Bengal in the All India Youth Camp demonstrated some pranayams to the participants.
The Post Lunch Session consisted of feedback and Q&A wherein participants provided their feedback and inquired on various topics.The camp concluded with distribution of certificates to the participants and a group Photography session.